Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mercy Springs

So, today we didn't have much ground to cover. We're not delivering our motor homes until Friday morning in Colorado Springs. This will be my first time in Colorado, even though I've been in almost every other state, all of Canada, and Mexico (not to mention England, Holland, Kenya, Uganda, Brazil, The Philippines, and I think that's it). So that will leave Alaska and Hawaii. And Alaska is very highly placed on Pat's list.

After we deliver in CO, then it will be up to Salt Lake City for CDL A classes that start next Monday (Aug. 11). We're excited, and we're going to have a blast.

I'm posting a couple of pics. One is of the last two motorhomes we'll deliver, and the other is of a fairly neat sculpture we saw at a rest area in Nebraska today. I'm sure it's familiar to all the Corn Huskers out there, but it's the first we've seen of it.

Read this in Psalm 85 today, and it just fit. Back on staff at Nappanee Missionary Church we always used to say, "Give a lot of grace, because you'll need a lot of grace." It's the same with mercy. And I need to give mercy and grace to someone right this minute, as it so happens. There's a guy with a Peterbilt tractor who's parking, then moving all over the lot, like he can't get comfortable, and he's not only idling his 425 or so diesel horses, but running an ailing APU (auxiliary power unit) as well. It's making a huge rucus in the middle of what was a fairly tranquil place, until he got here. Apparently he doesn't know how irksome he is . . . but as for me, I feel such an acute need for the bountiful mercy of God right now in my life. No particular reason, but it's just a feeling. Do you ever get that way? A few weeks ago we were cruising from Napa Valley, CA downstate, and we passed a little sign pointing to Mercy Springs, CA. I wanted to take that winding, dusty road and park there for a while. That's the sort of place I'd like to visit, for a long, long rest. Mercy Springs. I really like the sound of that. Here's the passage:

"Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yes, the Lord will give what is good; And our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before Him, And shall make His footsteps our pathway." (vv 10-13 NKJV)

What else can you say? That's everything I need for today. Keep looking up!


scraphappy74 said...

Mark would love to go to Alaska someday too, just like mom. Now, if you have a blast during your CDL A classes is that a GOOD thing? Sounds kinda dangerous to me. Is it wonderful to read God's word when you are daily looking at the beautiful land He created? There is such beauty in nature. Just to think that God took such care with everything He created. If He took that much care creating our world imagine the infinite care that went into creating each of us. I am so amazed when I think of how God had a plan and a place for each of us. Seriously, to think that He wanted me to be placed on the earth at this time to do His work is just an awesome thing. Now, that is where the grace and mercy comes in... I do seem to mess up a lot!

walkingcloser said...

well, this morning i read James 3 about taming our tongues. lately i have been really feeling like i need to be more careful with what i say to a.j. i was telling emily last night that i love how submissive she is with ross and i have always loved how submissive mom is with you. i feel like that is something i want to get better at with a.j. and part of that is the way i speak to him. sometimes i'll get home from work on a friday when he has been home all day and i'll say " didn't clean the house?" and it's not like i say it in a mean tone or anything, but it just breaks my heart to think of the times i've said that when i should just show him how much i love him and tell him i love him and i'm glad to be home instead of something like that. and another thing is that when he says i think we should do this or this...i should just TRUST him that he is doing the right thing for us. i want to show him that i respect him and love him and trust him and i think that starts with how i speak to him. so anyway...i know this isn't about mercy or anything, but i wanted to say what i was learning and working on right now. God is really working in me this week!!! i feel a fire starting to ignite and i'm EXCITED!!!! it's about time i let myself get on fire for the Lord again! WOOOO! i feel such a joy inside me and i just wanted to share what He's doing! :) i love you!